Trish Morrissey, photographer

Photos from Morrissey's series on women with facial hair.



Ladybeard - you should read it

"...In the het cis world I'm a hairy female-bodied freak and I'm kind of OK with that. I'm representing a life worth living. I am for femme beards, butch beards, trans* beards, genderqueer beards, transvestite beards, drag beards, post-menopausal beards, PCOS beards, and female beards of all varieties. I think that the beard, as an attribute of that unmarked identity - the white cisgender male - needs to be displaced. We need to make visible those other beards that have been erased from history, depilated into oblivion, yearned for, induced, born of artiface, and set free after years of repression." 
Maddy Phelan (now Bastian Fox Phelan) in Ladybeard #2.

Follow the link to get your very own Ladybeard zine.

Mo'Nique's hairy legs at the Golden Globes

Have a look at the 'article' from the Daily Mail for more media framing of women with body hair.

A Transhairstorical Story by Bastian Fox Phelan

Follow the link for the story by Bastian, the author of the zine "Ladybeard."

Fuck yeah bearded ladies tumblr

Follow the link for fuckyeahbeardedladies.

Particularly like the post about Ana Mendieta's performance work "Untitled (facial hair transplants)" 1972. (Image from Genderqueer Tumblr below.)

Chris Crocker

Women getting straight razor shaves

How women with facial hair are shown on TV

Mariam's videos about public perception and female facial hair

And another here.

Debra Beechy's thesis, "How facial hair influences women's everyday experiences"

Click here for Debra's thesis.

Jennifer Miller: Bearded Lady of Circus Amok

Jenna shaving her face

This is Jenna Bee of Sassyfrass Circus and Femme A La Barbe zines.

Her Suit

"Her Suit" is zine I made in March 2011. I collected individual hairs from various places on my body (upper lip, nipple, shin etc.), and photocopied them one-a-page alongside identifying labels. On the last page is an individual dedication to and story about the people who have most hated and most loved my hair.

This blog is a repository for online material related to gender (primarily female) and facial/body hair and which I find interesting or relevant to my art practice.